Friday, April 26, 2013

ASL Apps for Kids こども向けのASLアプリ

ASL - American Sign Language Apps for Kids 


One of the great things about Signing Time using ASL vocabulary is that it can be used in conjunction with other ASL based items. I've been collecting app recommendations from other Signing Time Academy teachers and signing families.    My 5 year old even volunteered to test them and share his honest (sometimes brutally!) opinion.

These apps all use ASL so if you've been doing ASL-based Baby Sign Language they can help you to build a larger vocabulary, increasing your ability to communicate with you child.


 We don't use the iPad/iPod every day but it is nice to have some interesting & educational things on there for when waiting at the doctor's, etc.!

PictureThe clear favorite in our house is the Signing Time ASL - Sign Language app. It includes flashcards, a basic dictionary and (the kids favorite!) video clips.  They spent a half hour this morning trying to sign along to Leah's Farm.  Another great feature is that it is playable on our really old iPhone as well as the newer iPad.

Two Little Hands also has:
 無料!   Signing Time Lite ASL - Sign Language App 
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

 Signing Time ASL - Dictionary 
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

Picture 無料!  Potty Time
A toilet training app which can be used with and toilet training program but is also a great compliment to the Potty Time DVD/CD!

US iTunes
日本 iTunes


Now on to other ASL based apps for kids...
On our iPad we have:

Baby Sign and Sing - This is a nice compliment to the Baby Signing Time classes that I teach as it includes some of the same songs as well as others which include vocabulary we've learned.
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

Signed Stories - This is like the Reading Rainbow of signed stories. I'm not a fan of "in-app purchases" but little by little we're buying up the books in this app.
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

The Baobab - Created by Gallaudet University, this app is like a regular book app but with the added feature of being in ASL & English.  
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

SignShine - Songs, activities flashcards arranged in a way a little kid can navigate around.
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

ASL Dictionary Lite by Sign and Learn
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

Baby Sign ASL (Free) - a dictionary
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

Walk the Plank ASL - An interesting concept but bit too difficult for little kids to navigate on their own.
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

Baby Sign and Learn Lite - a dictionary  - 
While the animation is good it isn't as easy to understand as when an actual person create the signs.
US iTunes
日本 iTunes

Click on the label "Apps アプリ" for other ASL and language related apps!

Do you have a favorite ASL kids app that is not on this list?  Please share it in the comments section!

Monday, April 22, 2013

サインで遊ぼう! Sign&Play - Zoo Animals 動物

Come and learn some animal signs in English!

Zoo Animals 動物

Hana House ハナハウス: 423日 10:30〜11:30
at the Bricks Classroom
Fee 参加費:1,000円(子育て応援券利用可) 
☎ 03-6750-8677(平日10:00~16:00)

Takenotsuka 竹ノ塚: 58日 11:00〜11:50
at Takenotsuka Lutheran Church
Fee 参加費:1,000円 
詳しいこととお申し込みはHeidi先生まで  heidi @

☆ We're planning a trip to Ueno Zoo on May 21st.  Check back for details! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

"Ask the Professional" Interview プロフェッショナルに聞く

We recently had an interview visit at Hana House from Sukusuku Noppo-kun (スクスクのっぽくん).  The homepage features interviews with various well known professionals who share advice and ideas about raising children ("生きる力"の育て方).  The article is only in Japanese but you can read it (or use a translator to try to read it!) here (英語で学び、”自然と多言語の中で育つ”環境を).

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring Course Trial Lesson

竹の塚 Basic Class  ベーシッククラス 春のセッション 4月〜7月  水曜日11:00-11:50  
体験レッスンは2013年4月17日(水)   参加費1,000円

対 象:0才~2才までの赤ちゃんとその保護者(10組まで)
費 用:14,500円(レッスン1回1,500円×7回分+教材費)


Takenotsuka Baby Signing Time Basic Class Details:

Spring session runs May - July

Infants/Toddlers 0 - 2 years old and the caretaker (parent, grandparent, childcare provider etc.)

Trial Lesson: Wednesday, April 17th 2013 11:00-11:50AM    Fee: 1,000円
BASIC CLASS: 1 Trial Lesson + 7 Regular Lessons
Time: Wednesdays 11:00-11:50
Class Fees: 14,500円 (1,500円 per lesson ×7 lessons+class materials)
For more details and to register for class please visit the Kotoba & Sign homepage.

Baby Signing Time classes were recently featured on TV and in a newspaper.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

TV Air Date

ハイディー先生ハナハウスで教えているベビー・サイニングタイム・クラスがテレビに出るそうです!4月8日(月)午後11時~放送のテレビ東京「ワールド ビジネス サテライト」 (の特集の中で。
In a post earlier this week I mentioned thy we had a TV crew visit Hana House to get some footage of siging babies/toddlers for an upcoming show. The show is World Business Satalite on TV Tokyo and it is set to air on April 8th at 11 PM.  They can't promise that we'll be on the show but it seems that we're still in the plan for the show!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Helpful Hopkins :-)

We had a little green guy help us decorate the Easter Tree on Sunday!

TV Time

Yesterday I had a "class" at Hana House for the benefit of a TV show that wanted to catch kids signing and talk about the business end of things. Not sure if the report will be aired but it was an interesting 5 hours!
If it does get aired I'll post the info here :-)
If you haven't heard already, Signing Time products are being Japanized and released in Japan. It is an ongoing project and one which I've been involved in in various ways. This project has been taking up some of my "free" time but it is interesting to see how everything is coming together. If you want to know more there is information & updates on the Kotoba & Sign page, blog, Facebook and Twitter.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Today I have a first for you...
A special guest post on this blog from a former student who has gone on to become a Baby Signing Time Instructor.
Around this time of year many moms ask questions about continuing signing after their child enters daycare.  While I can show you research and tell you about what my friends have experienced, my (Heidi's) children do not go to daycare so I can't speak from first hand experience.  However, I know someone who can!

Mumcat has a son in daycare and she has been kind enough to write the following talking about part of their signing journey.  Feel free to post any questions here and I'll pass them along to her!
She also has a blog:
I'm working on an English translation and that will be posted seperately but liked to this post for easy access!

 「Baby Signing Time」のDVDが大好きだったので、クラスが終わった後も毎日のようにDVDを見ていたり、家でも親が覚えているものはなるべくサインを見せていたら、14カ月頃からどんどんサインが増えていき、私たち親が「これ、何のサインだっけ?」と困るほどに上達していきました!





In the Newspaper 新聞に

Asashi Weekly (A weekly Japanese/English newspaper) this week (March 31st Edition) has a report featuring Hana House - and talking about how signing is not only great for communicating with babies/toddlers but also is a great way to start learning English. Sorry the article is not online but you can pick up the paper at newsstannds in Japan this week! Oh, and the acticle is only in Japanese but the pictures are bilingual ;-)

3月31日号のAsahi Weekly は、「英語学習 NOW and THEN」にハナハウスの高橋裕子先生と江本ハイディ先生も紙面に登場、「0歳からの英語教育 リズムとサインが橋渡し」のインタビューを受けられています。